Saturday, October 27, 2007


Please read and answer all questions below before joining
Question 1: Yes I understand that [Pyramid Peddler Name Removed] will be paying for me to join Revolving Travel. [Probably the lamest attempt at presenting a fake free offer I have ever seen-bet the next question involves agreeing to some sort of payment]
Question 2: Yes I understand that by joining I am required to benefactor in at least 2 people at a cost of $65.00 each. [Thought this was Free]
Question 3: Yes I agree that my personal information will be supplied to the member who pays for my position in Revolving Travel and Clubfreedom. [You would be mad to agree to this, as you don't know your sponsor from Adam you will be asking for Trouble]
Question 4: Yes I understand that my position can be deleted if I do not benefactor in at least 2 people within 7 days from the date my sponsor pays for my position. [so its a Free trial at scamming others then]
Question 5: If my sponsor fails to pay for my position within 5 days, I would like to:Be placed on the waiting list for another member to pay for meBe removed from the system
Question 6: I also understand that if I fail to pay for someone within 5 days, they maybe moved to the waiting list or removed from the system.

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