Saturday, October 27, 2007


Please read and answer all questions below before joining
Question 1: Yes I understand that [Pyramid Peddler Name Removed] will be paying for me to join Revolving Travel. [Probably the lamest attempt at presenting a fake free offer I have ever seen-bet the next question involves agreeing to some sort of payment]
Question 2: Yes I understand that by joining I am required to benefactor in at least 2 people at a cost of $65.00 each. [Thought this was Free]
Question 3: Yes I agree that my personal information will be supplied to the member who pays for my position in Revolving Travel and Clubfreedom. [You would be mad to agree to this, as you don't know your sponsor from Adam you will be asking for Trouble]
Question 4: Yes I understand that my position can be deleted if I do not benefactor in at least 2 people within 7 days from the date my sponsor pays for my position. [so its a Free trial at scamming others then]
Question 5: If my sponsor fails to pay for my position within 5 days, I would like to:Be placed on the waiting list for another member to pay for meBe removed from the system
Question 6: I also understand that if I fail to pay for someone within 5 days, they maybe moved to the waiting list or removed from the system.

6k4you's Question and Answer

Originally Posted by 6k4you
What is 6k4you?
6k4you is a pay it forward portal for people to join in the lucrative Revolving Travel and Club Freedom program where you can earn $6,000 over and over plus a free vacation.How much does it cost to join 6k4you?It is free - your sponsor will pay for you.However, you must be willing to pay for at least 2 people to join under you at a cost of $65 each. [Thats not free in my book]
What do I have to do to earn $6,000 and a free Vacation?
All you really have to do is join Revolving Travel for free under your sponsor then follow the one rule we have in place to ensure the smoothness and quickness of every one cycling. That one rule is that you have to pay for two people to join under you in Revolving Travel within 7 days of you joining. [Not free then]
What if I don’t sponsor 2 people within 7 days?
You will have your position taken away and given to someone who will pay for two people to join under them. If you cannot or are not able to fulfil this obligation, then please do not join. [So if you can't sponsor theres no point in joining, wheres the free stuff then]
What if I sponsor 2 people and one has their position taken away?
We will give you an adequate amount of time to find a replacement.[This means pay for someone else-Still nothing free here]
Can I have more than one position?
Yes you can! But you will have to still find 2 people for each position that you join Revolving Travel.
If I join under myself does that qualify me for 2?
NO. . . You cannot Purchase Nominee Accounts to meet the “Two in 7 Days” Requirement.What payment processors does Revolving Travel accept?Revolving Travel accepts Credit Card, Paypal[Paypal being notified for including there name on the list], Egold, Ebullion, E-Trust Wallet and Alertpay. We believe this covers most if not all of the major processors on the net. If for some reason you still cannot make payment through one of those various methods please contact your sponsor as you will be helping them cycle so they should be more than willing to help you get an account funded.

Friday, October 19, 2007


The office of Sefteg Nigeria Company in Victoria Island,Lagos has finally opened today after it was shut for about a week due to delay in payment of returns of Investment.After discussing with one of the executives today,information gathered is that the office is opened because investor's were beginning to think they have folded up and absconded with investor's funds.I was reassured that returns will be payed after the completion of the ongoing investigation by Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN).
The time frame in question before the resumption of payment of dividends hasn't been ascertained but investor's are obliged to be calm and be without fear.The previous experience with wonder banks in Nigeria in the not distant past,now keeps all investor's on the edge due to this 2month's delay.I clearly expressed my opinion to the executive's of this company that re-opening of there office won't change people's opinion on wonder banks but paying of returns can restore confidence in Sefteg Nigeria Company.The office is opened today but who knows if it will be opened on Monday,22nd October 2007 but till then,i keep an open mind .
..............................Adeniyi AdeOnojobi

Wednesday, October 17, 2007


Nospecto Oil & Gas is a company that has being in existence for over 4years doing business in Nigeria, operating previously Allied House in Marina(and later Elephant House), Lagos which used to give about 8.89% interest monthly on investment of NGN450,000 per slot until it came under scrutiny by regulatory authorities that it was not a registered fund manager since the certificate of incorporation of the company doesn’t permit it to collect funds from the public.
The company is registered to do Oil business which they do officially with funds they source from the public sector and were giving higher returns than the banking sector.It is believed that the major problem of Nospecto Oil & Gas was caused primarily by the banking sector’s continuous complain to regulatory authorities about there activities.
Nospecto Oil & Gas no longer have a functional office due to cases and investigations against them by SEC,EFCC & CBN as the door are now locked with Iron bars but if any investors need to inquire about there investment and how to get refund, then they need to contact the Valued Clients which is the consultant company that was hired by Nospecto Oil & Gas to restructure the company, there website address is for further enquiries or details about Nospecto Oil & Gas.
Information i gathered is that they have registered a bank now but you can contact the consultant for all enquiries and information you may need.
…….written by Olubiyi AdeOnojobi


After a visit to Sefteg Nigeria Company office to validate my previously gathered information that the office was closed, I became aware that one of their investors stormed the office with touts last week Tuesday (9th of October 2007) and forcefully removed the LCD Television with other valuables which was followed by life threats so the office had to be shut down immediately as it has become apparent that investors can no longer stick with stories that don’t hold water.
The telephone numbers of Sefteg Nigeria Company are still working but the question now remain, which is for how long will the number be functional since it’s the only form of communication with the company thereby making it easy to abscond with investor’s funds.The Door to office has been locked up with a notice pasted at the entrance.
Sefteg Nigeria Company bank account’s is under investigation by CBN but thereby making payment of ROI impossible since the account has been frozen until all investigations are completed.
My advise to investors is to make sure they locate residence address of directors of the company so as to ensure that ROI or refunds are guaranteed since the company doesn’t have any surface address again....Olubiyi AdeOnojobi

Tuesday, October 16, 2007


There has been another wonder bank blow,based on reliable information.A Lagos Based Wonder Bank situated on Oyin Jolayemi Street in Victoria Island who's motto is Creating Wealth In Every Household has disappeared with Investor's Fund.We are sorry to inform our dear reader's that the office of Sefteg Nigeria Company is now closed to the public and investors.Communication with the company is only by telephone for now but it's a similar scenario like Wealth Solution,Nospecto Oil & Gas,etc.
We don’t have concrete information as to why the office is closed but based on telephone conversation with executive's of the company;information we got is that some angry investor’s went to vandalize the office due to unpaid ROI while they had submitted the payment schedule to bank but due to on going investigation into there account by EFCC and CBN, the accounts have been frozen till further notice.
Investors have not be paid returns for August till date which is a negative message and could have prompted such actions.
Updates will be posted accordingly to inform our readers….Adeniyi AdeOnojobi


1.Never send money by Western Union: It is tempting as it is very simple and you can send quickly. But it is illegal for business use in most countries and it is non-recoverable and non-traceable. So the chances of getting duped are very high if you pay by Western Union. I have yet to come across any serious business insisting on money by Western Union.
2. Never remit money by Bank Transfer to a personal name: Always send to a company name. Many use this trick and I am surprised how many keep falling for this. No matter what the other guy says, if you send a bank transfer to a person, chances are high that it will be the last you will hear from him.
3. Avoid being a victim of the ADVANCE FEE SCAM: Never try to sell anything to anyone who insists on some payment from you before placing an order for your goods. They usually promise a very large order to tempt you. Various tricks used are fee for foreign exchange transfer, registration of your company with authorities, etc. Basically stop dealings with anyone who places an order with you and then wants you to send some money first for some reason or the other.
4. Use a personalized paid email address: In case you are using a free email address like yahoo, rediff, hotmail, msn or any other free email, please stop using it immediately as you are harming your business by doing so. Free email address look very unprofessional and create a poor impression about you. So start using an email address which is like as soon as possible.
5. Build your company website: If you are in business and you do not have a website you are losing business. No matter what your argument may be, a website is becoming a qualifying criterion for buyers to select people they want to talk to. Not having a website reduces the number of people who would be interested in talking to you. Do you really want to do that?
6. Make it easy for people to contact you: The below three points are a basic minimum:
a. Having voice mail on all your phone lines: Basically, you must have a system where a person can leave a message if your phone is busy or no one is there to attend it so that you do not miss anyone trying to contact you.
b. Having a dedicated fax line: Faxes nowadays are mostly being sent by some fax software. So if you have a system where a fax tone is given on request, chances are you will not receive the fax.
c. Always including complete contact details in all emails you send. A simple way is to use signature files.
7. Understand the mindset of your buyer: Learn to listen and understand the pulse of the potential buyer. Find out what drives him. Although I know all of you will jump and say 'price', you know that there is zillions of dollars of business being done at a price much higher than the 'best possible price' even when buyers know that. It is being done because of timely delivery, quality assurance, excellent communication, comfort level or special customization, etc. Each buyer has some factors he holds as key. Once you know that, you should be able to reassure him on that front.
8. Review your website critically: If you have a website, look at it critically from a buyer's viewpoint and see if your website does the following:
a. Make the visitor believe you know your business well
b. Provide more information than competitors
c. Enhance your credibility
d. Make the visitor feel like contacting you
e. Is your contact information easily accessible?

Tuesday, October 9, 2007


Dear Mr. GDCA President,
I have been writing and blogging lately about the possible or alleged recent issues regarding e-Bullion. I feel, as do many readers, it is important to determine whether these possible issues are rhetoric, a few unhappy agents or possibly big events that will effect the industry as a whole… I now see that the GDCA has posted a warning regarding e-bullion at:
In that warning it states that :
“… closes and/or freezes accounts without any court order or reasonable justification, sometimes freezing customer funds forever.”
Please present proof of these events by showing the closed account documentation and any correspondence with e-bullion regarding that account and its closure.
Please comment on why e-bullion closed the account or accounts, any justification e-bullion presented or did not present.
Please provide your opinion as to why e-bullion has taken this action.
Please provide evidence of e-bullion seizing or freezing account holder funds and not returning them as stated in your comment/warning above. Who had their funds ’stolen’ or has stated they had funds seized?
Please show me the evidence of a rumored investigation by the USSS, because I heard a rumor they were going to be bought by Donald Trump. Rumors are not fact and have no place in an industry ‘warning’ without supporting information. Provide me these facts or the person openly commenting about an ongoing investigation being conducted by an agency of the US government.
Please provide me copies of any complaints from users that the GDCA may have received regarding e-bullion for the past two years.
Please include e-mail or other documentation so these can be verified by me.
Please provide me any exchanger opinions or complaints which you have documented regarding the policies and terms now in use by e-bullion.
You should know that I have already been in touch with Mr. Joseph Hamilton, CISSP Chief Technical Officer,, on several recent occasions regarding these stated rumors.
Its my firm belief that resolving any problem whether minor or serious can be accomplished by logical discussion and clarification of facts, not rumors and flaming.
I would appreciate it if you can comment here below this post at your earliest convenience, whether you can or will produce the above requested material to me via email. All other comments and questions are welcome. Feel free to remove any personal or financial information from these documents. After hearing from you, Mr. Hamilton of e-bullion will again be contacted for his comments, he is available and reaching me just fine.
Thanks and I look forward to hearing from you soon.
Mark Herpel


Monday, October 8, 2007



1. : displays fake GDCA membership logo that does not link to the GDCA Ratings page.
2. : displays forged GDCA membership logo, linking to illegal GDCA site copy
3. : a number of members of the GDCA have filed complaints about this currency over the years, but recent events lead us to issue an outright WARNING
4. : infringes on e-gold trademark and on copyrights; also seems to attempt to benefit from GEeu's reputation and may be defrauding customers.
5. : seems to have infringed on the copyright of reputable exchanger, stealing their texts and CGI scripts. CAVEAT EMPTOR
6. : forged GDCA plaque, probably other forged links on site.
7. : forged GDCA and ECMA plaques and seems to collect personal and bank data from prospective job applicants
8. : is a spoof / forgery of; displays's GDCA membership plaque and is most likely run by fraudsters.
9. : claims to be a GDCA member and displays a forged plaque; known spammer;
10. : claims incorrectly to be a GDCA member without ever having applied to join; also abuses the GDCA slogan, and it is questionable if any of their partnership claims are true;
11. : displays a bogus GDCA member plaque after we turned down their application to join several weeks ago; also displays fake ECMA plaque.
12. : claims incorrectly to be a GDCA member and displays a forged GDCA plaque.
13. goldxcash : there is evidence that goldxcash is linked to click2exchange and direxchange, etc.there have also been a number of complaints from users.
14. click2exchange : numerous complaints; member of a ring of fraudulent sites that attempt to build trust by recommending each other, probably all owned by the same group;
15. intGOLD : complaints from several GDCA members, exchangers, and many users containing allegations of theft and fraud
16. OffshoreGoldBank : recommends DMSE as prime exchanger, probably the same owner as DMSE



Due to numerous unanswered complaints, the Global Digital Currencies Association would like consumers and merchants to be aware that closes and/or freezes accounts without any court order or reasonable justification, sometimes freezing customer funds forever.
This unscrupulous policy makes E-bullion an unfavorable system for online commerce and for the safe and secure storage and transfer of funds.
We recommend that E-bullion account holders switch to a different digital currency immediately in order to avoid frozen accounts and loss of funds, such as:
· GoldMoney -
· Pecunix -
· Liberty Reserve -
· c-gold -
· PhoenixDollar -