Saturday, October 27, 2007

6k4you's Question and Answer

Originally Posted by 6k4you
What is 6k4you?
6k4you is a pay it forward portal for people to join in the lucrative Revolving Travel and Club Freedom program where you can earn $6,000 over and over plus a free vacation.How much does it cost to join 6k4you?It is free - your sponsor will pay for you.However, you must be willing to pay for at least 2 people to join under you at a cost of $65 each. [Thats not free in my book]
What do I have to do to earn $6,000 and a free Vacation?
All you really have to do is join Revolving Travel for free under your sponsor then follow the one rule we have in place to ensure the smoothness and quickness of every one cycling. That one rule is that you have to pay for two people to join under you in Revolving Travel within 7 days of you joining. [Not free then]
What if I don’t sponsor 2 people within 7 days?
You will have your position taken away and given to someone who will pay for two people to join under them. If you cannot or are not able to fulfil this obligation, then please do not join. [So if you can't sponsor theres no point in joining, wheres the free stuff then]
What if I sponsor 2 people and one has their position taken away?
We will give you an adequate amount of time to find a replacement.[This means pay for someone else-Still nothing free here]
Can I have more than one position?
Yes you can! But you will have to still find 2 people for each position that you join Revolving Travel.
If I join under myself does that qualify me for 2?
NO. . . You cannot Purchase Nominee Accounts to meet the “Two in 7 Days” Requirement.What payment processors does Revolving Travel accept?Revolving Travel accepts Credit Card, Paypal[Paypal being notified for including there name on the list], Egold, Ebullion, E-Trust Wallet and Alertpay. We believe this covers most if not all of the major processors on the net. If for some reason you still cannot make payment through one of those various methods please contact your sponsor as you will be helping them cycle so they should be more than willing to help you get an account funded.

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